Privacy Policy
Nexus Training Centre Ltd aims to provide an assessment framework which provides all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route. Our assessment policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness. We will endeavour to ensure that all our assessment processes are fair and non-discriminatory.
Students are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it:
On paper in a folder in the Nexus Training Centre Ltd
All tutors teaching at Nexus Training Centre Ltd are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.
This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, tutors, and external organisations.
Policy Statement
Every student taking a course at Nexus Training Centre Ltd will be assessed fairly. That means that:
Assessment will be a test of what the student knows what they understand, and what they are able to do.
For any particular course, every student will be assessed using the same overall set of exercises and criteria.
Assessments will be standardised across different tutors and classes to ensure that all students have been judged against the same standards.
What students can expect from us
Every student taking a course at Nexus Training Centre Ltd will be assessed fairly. This means that:
Assessment will be a test of the student’s knowledge, what they understand, and what they are able to do.
For any particular course, every student will be assessed using the same overall set of exercises and criteria.
Assessments will be standardised across different tutors and classes to ensure that all students have been judged against the same standards.
Students can also expect:
- An assignment schedule at the beginning of a course
- Appropriate assessment opportunities during the course
Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment will be made clear at the outset of a course and when assignments are given.
All work will be assessed. Constructive and focussed feedback, including written and verbal, will be given by the tutor, to enable the student to improve their performance.
When work is required to be marked, it will be carried out within 2 weeks of submission by the student.
Where a student’s work does not satisfy the criteria for passing an assessment, in whole or in part, they will be provided with clear feedback on the basis on which the assessment was made.
Students will gain full accreditation for all prior learning on production of the necessary paperwork.
Students will not be limited to how many times they may take a course.
What we expect from Students
Students are expected to meet all deadlines for course work and assignments.
All work submitted for assessment purposes must be the student’s own. Any work submitted that is not completely their own, will be regarded as cheating.
Submissions must not include any discriminatory or divisive language. Use of such language will result in failure of the assessment and the possibility of disciplinary action.
Submitted assignments remain the property of the Forum and will only be returned to the student at the discretion of the Forum and then only after the moderation process has taken place.
Students are expected to inform the Forum of any expected periods of absence and may use the Wednesday drop in session to bring course work up to date.